
Welcome Alumni

Welcome Alumni!

The current alumni network of over 20,000 Dowling Catholic graduates spreads across 50 states and many continents. No matter the graduating year, the location they call home or chosen profession, common values describe each DCHS alumni - faithful, caring and dedicated. All alumni form one family - the Maroons.

We are excited to welcome back our alumni for class reunions during the summer and fall. For assistance planning your reunion, please contact the Alumni Office below.

We also stay connected to our alumni through the Maroon Connection. To submit information please email or fill out and submit this form.

Planning A Reunion

Planning a reunion? Reach out to the Advancement Office at 515-222-1090 for assistance and to list dates so we can help to promote your events and activities. See the Planning the Perfect Class Reunion document for more information.

Class Lists

The Advancement Office has your class lists including all alumni with addresses and some email addresses. We also have lists of classmates who are deceased. We appreciate your help in updating our records because our lists are only as good as the information we receive. 

Contact Kathy Kirby Power at 515-222-1090 or via email at for more information.

Get Involved

We hope you will attend our fundraising and friend raising events and activities, as well as support our students in their academic, athletic, performing arts and service endeavors.

If you would like to be involved as a volunteer, please visit the Events page to learn more about upcoming opportunities. We have numerous events and activities where you can stay connected to Dowling Catholic High School, and support our students.


Advancement Director


Alumni Manager

Dowling Catholic High School

Dowling Catholic High School is committed to serving the Greater Des Moines Catholic community and embracing learners of all faiths. In an environment that is faithful, caring and dedicated, Dowling Catholic forms each student to become a Christ-centered leader.