9th Grade Student Orientation

Orientation Info

Wednesday, August 21, 2019
All Freshmen (8:30am-2:30pm)
All freshmen will report on Wednesday, August 21st, from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Students are to be in DCHS uniform polo and uniform pants (no shorts allowed). Students should bring a pen and paper for taking notes throughout the day. The day will begin with a brief welcome in the auditorium followed by three different sessions. One session will be seminar where students will receive their schedules and locker assignments. Another session will be with various presenters in the auditorium, and the final session will be school pictures. (The school picture order form will be available in OnCampus Resources.)

Students will also find their lockers and try out their combinations, be given a tour of the building, and hear an explanation of how lunch is served at DCHS. Students will eat lunch at Dowling Catholic and will need money placed in their lunch accounts. Students may also bring cash for lunch for the day (the cost of daily student lunch, excluding a la carte, is $3.40). After lunch, students will follow their A Day schedule and meet each of their teachers. Dismissal will be at approximately 2:30 p.m.

Dowling Catholic High School

Dowling Catholic High School is committed to serving the Greater Des Moines Catholic community and embracing learners of all faiths. In an environment that is faithful, caring and dedicated, Dowling Catholic forms each student to become a Christ-centered leader.